With the summer slowly coming to an end, here are some SCOPE Europe highlights for the past month. We are happy to announce that 3 General Assembly members declared their services adherent to the Code in July. Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Okta have successfully finished their first adherence journey and earned the EU Cloud CoC data protection trust mark. Check below what their company representatives had to say about reaching this crucial milestone and click on the news for the full story.
Now let's have a quick look at what the future holds for us. In November, we'll take the stage at the IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress in Brussels. Join us on the last day of the conference where our Managing Director, Jörn Wittmann, will discuss the synergies between cloud privacy and the European Data Strategy together with panellists Pierre Chastanet (DG CNECT, European Commission), Oliver Draf (Volkswagen), and Stephanie Finck (Salesforce). Check below the news article and register already today for this exciting event.
What's new at SCOPE Europe?
3 new adherences to the EU Cloud CoC

"At Okta, we are committed to striking the right balance between privacy and innovation in identity and access management, and most importantly, taking the right steps to build trust with our customers..."