We are pleased to kick-off this June edition by letting you know that SCOPE Europe took part at the IAPP European Data Protection Intensive Online 2021 and elaborated, alongside a remarkable group of experts, on the whole process that led to the official approval of the EU Cloud CoC. Speaking of the approval, to keep you always up to date, we've created a news collection highlighting some of the media coverage around it, so make sure to follow that below.
Furthermore, we are thrilled to welcome Dropbox as a member of the Code's General Assembly, scroll down to check the dedicated press release. First, the EDPB has published its Recommendations on supplementary measures for third country data transferring tools and, secondly, the European Commission has adopted the highly anticipated adequacy decisions for the UK. Click on the links below to access both of these key publications!
Happy reading,
Your SCOPE Europe Team.

List of Adherent Services
Several companies have been declared adherent. Check out the EU Cloud CoCs List of Adherent Services!

New Member!
Dropbox joins the EU Cloud Code of Conduct General Assembly. Read more about this valuable addition here.

Commission adopts adequacy decisions for the UK
The European Commission adopted two adequacy decisions for the United Kingdom. Click here to find out more.