We are happy to start this October edition by letting you know that SCOPE Europe was thrilled to join the "Maratona LGPD" and contribute to the discussion on the introduction of codes of conduct in the Brazilian data protection environment. The event was organized by the Brazilian National Bar Association (OAB) and promoted an insightful discussion on the topic, which we believe to be a highly constructive exercise to increase international alignment on data protection standards. Talking about codes of conduct, we are proud to once again partner up with the Instituet for Informationsteknologi (IFI) to discuss the role of these unique instruments and their ability to provide workable and robust compliance solutions. During the session, our monitoring team will give an interesting overview of the EU Cloud CoC and tackle some key topics such as the Code's adherence process and impacts for both providers and costumers. Click on the link below to find out more about this and stay tuned to follow more exciting events coming up very soon!
Happy reading,
Your SCOPE Europe Team.

Follow the EU Cloud CoC on November's IFI Webinar
SCOPE Europe will be joining the Institutet för Informationsteknologi (IFI) to give an interesting overview of the EU Cloud CoC. For further information on the event and registration, click here.