To kick-off our September edition, we are glad to shed light on the EDPB's public consultation regarding the adopted "Guidelines 04/2021 on codes of conduct as tools of transfers". SCOPE Europe firmly believes such consultations are essential to for the design and dissemination of workable tools to support GDPR implementation, especially in the context of the development of codes of conduct. SCOPE Europe took this opportunity to provide, in collaboration with the EU Cloud CoC General Assembly, comments on the Guidelines. Make sure to read the feedback below. Additionally, SCOPE Europe took part in highly interesting events in the past month, including the Bitkom Privacy Conference and a webinar hosted by Schellman to discuss the EU Cloud CoC. Follow the respective links below for further information and recordings.
Happy reading,
Your SCOPE Europe Team.

Register & watch the recording!
On October 1st, SCOPE Europe & Schellmann discussed the unique capacity of the EU Cloud CoC to optimize day-to-day compliance exercises for both cloud users and providers.