Webinar series: “Codes of Conduct: Building a Trustworthy Framework for International Data Transfers Post Schrems II”
We are excited to present our webinar series on “Codes of conduct: Building a Trustworthy Framework for International Data Transfers Post Schrems II”.
SRIW will actively contribute at the GAIA-X Vision: Kick-off, January 27th, 2021
As a Day-1 member of GAIA-X, we are proud to announce, that SRIW‘s Deputy Managing Director Frank Ingenrieth will be part of a seven panel series, all…
Joint comments by SRIW, SCOPE Europe, and the EU Cloud Code of Conduct to the EDPB
We (SRIW, SCOPE Europe, and the EU Cloud Code of Conduct) appreciate the opportunity to share our perspectives in the context of the public…
SCOPE Europe submits comments on standard data protection clauses consultation of European Commission
We appreciate the chance to provide comments on the new standard data protection clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant…
SCOPE Europe presents on the interlinks of existing and upcoming cloud regulation at the Cyber Security Act Forum
Invited by the Swedish „Institutet för Informationsteknologi“ SCOPE Europe’s Director Monitoring and Auditing, Legal Affairs will elaborate on the hot…
"Legal uncertainties after Schrems II: Could codes of conduct be the answer?" (Webinar)
We are excited to partner with NGIoT and jointly organize the webinar "Legal uncertainties after Schrems II: Could codes of conduct be the answer?"…
SCOPE Europe represented at the Nordic Privacy Arena 2020
We are excited to join the Nordic Privacy Arena 2020, as our Managing Director Jörn will speak at the panel "Cloud Solutions for public authorities -…
SRIW and SCOPE Europe represented as experts for third country transfer at the 6th Bitkom Privacy Conference
On the 29th September 2020 representatives of SRIW and SCOPE Europe will speak in two sessions at the renowned Bitkom Privacy Conference as experts in…