We are collaborating with the European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airway diseases (EUFOREA) in the GALENUS HEALTH project. GALENUS HEALTH is an app that helps patients of chronic sinusitis to manage symptoms and medication.

About the project
Chronic sinusitis affects around 12% of the world population and is greatly impacting the quality of life of the people concerned. Therefore, GALENUS HEALTH has been developed by a team of internationally recognized physicians to help patients to manage their related symptoms and medication, e.g. by setting alerts for taking medication and providing a digital diary.
The role of SCOPE Europe
SCOPE Europe was mandated by EUFOREA to review the Galenus Health solutions and functions during and after the app development against best practices in data protection. SCOPE Europe will summarize its findings in an assessment report - similar to a report a Monitoring Body under GDPR may provide.
Further, this involvement enables SCOPE Europe, SRIW and our partners to gain important practical experiences for the further development of the mHealth Code of Conduct.