Fostering the practical interpretation of GDPR with Codes of Conduct
Article by SCOPE Europe’s Managing Director Jörn Wittmann: "Fostering the practical interpretation of GDPR with Codes of Conduct"
SCOPE Europe represented at event about data protection authorities after GDPR
The European Data Privacy Day is on Sunday, 28. of January. In this context, SCOPE Europe’s Managing Director Jörn Wittmann will participate in the…
EU Cloud CoC wil be presented in Shanghai China
At the venue of Alibaba Cloud the Monitoring Body of the EU Cloud CoC - SCOPE Europe - will speak about the legal framework of Codes of Conduct in…
SCOPE Europe speaks at International Privacy Conference on Codes of Conduct and Certification: How to Prove Compliance under the GDPR?
Privacy is a key factor for the development of digital products and services. Two particular challenges need to be addressed urgently: the adaption of…
SCOPE Europe and the EU Cloud CoC in Silicon Valley
SCOPE Europe, the EU Cloud CoC and its representatives have been invited to present the concept of the Code and its current state.
SCOPE Europe speak on Codes of Conduct at joint event by Beltug, CIOforum, EuroCIO and INTUG
Under the headline „Your path to GDPR compliance” the general principle of Art. 40seq GDPR and how the legal advantages may ease companies compliance…
Brüsseler Tochtergesellschaft SCOPE Europe erläutert Chancen durch Codes of Conduct für Compliance mit der DS-GVO
SCOPE Europe berichtet hochrangigen Vertretern der Wirtschaft und Politik, wie durch CoC, wie dem EU Cloud CoC, datenschutzrechtliche Risiken…
CeBIT 2017: Presentation at IBM with SCOPE Europe concerning the European Cloud Code of Conduct
During the CeBIT 2017 SCOPE Europe presents with IBM the new European Cloud Code of Conduct (EU Cloud CoC), that will safeguard user privacy under the…